How to Integrate Salesforce CRM With ProProfs Live Chat
Integrating ProProfs Live Chat with Salesforce CRM empowers the sales and support teams to transfer the relevant information collected during the live chat sessions directly to the Salesforce CRM. Also, it automatically creates new leads and contacts as soon as the operator or the bot begin a chat.
With this integration, Chat transcripts and other details are added to the Salesforce database for future reference.
ProProfs Live Chat and Salesforce integration facilitate enhanced customer interaction, support functions, and real-time analysis.
Watch this quick video guide to get an overview of the ProProfs Live Chat & SalesForce CRM integration.
Benefits of Salesforce & Live Chat Integration:
Get a thorough understanding of your customers
Identify Upsell and cross-sell Opportunities
Central Repository to Track Journey
This article covers:
1. Integrating ProProfs Bot with Salesforce
2. Integrating ProProfs Chat with Salesforce
To integrate ProProfs Bot with Salesforce:
1. Add a new interaction panel while setting up the bot based on your conversation workflow. Select Salesforce from the slider menu.

2. Finish configuring the bot interaction to complete the bot setup. Click Manage. You will be redirected to the Integrations page.
3. Activate Salesforce integration using the toggle button. You will be redirected to the Salesforce login page.
4. Login to your Salesforce account.
5. Allow permission to finish integration. You will be redirected back to ProProfs Chat.
Integrate ProProfs Chat with Salesforce CRM
1. In your ProProfs Chat account, go to Settings.
2. Under Settings,
Click Integrations in the sidebar.
Navigate to Salesforce under the CRM tab and activate the integration using the toggle button.
3. You will be redirected to log in to your Salesforce account. Enter your Username and Password to log in.
4. Allow permission to finish the integration setup.
Post Integration View
1. After successful login, go to Contacts in the top navbar.
Whenever a lead is generated via Bot interaction or chat support, the user details will be available like this:
So, your ProProfs Live Chat account is successfully integrated with Salesforce CRM.
That is all about integrating Salesforce CRM With ProProfs Live Chat.